Table of Contents
Here's how Your Climate Change PhD is organized. Through the pages at right you can explore in more detail how these topics are covered in Your Climate Change PhD itself.
Trillion Dollar Questions explore many of the key questions relating to future climate outcomes. The questions may not have clear answers, but understanding existing expert thinking regarding the questions is important.
Climate Science provides an overview of the underlying science of climate change, including many important uncertainties relating to climate outcomes.
The Fingerprint of Climate Change explores the numerous ways in which climate change is already physically manifesting.
How Much Climate Change? explores the reality that the 2o C climate scenario that dominates today's climate change conversations is by no means the most likely scenario currently on the table.
Societal Climate Risk explores the discipline of risk, key climate risks, and how to look at climate change through a lens of risk-adversity. You’ll also have access to a bonus chapter on Sea Level Rise.
Adapting to Climate Change explores the idea that “we’ve always adapted, we’ll adapt” to climate change. How much adaptation is possible, and are there adaptation limits?
The Psychology of Climate Change introduces you to the literature surrounding why climate change is such a difficult problem for the human brain to grapple with.
Communicating Climate Change explores climate change as the ultimate communications challenge, and introduces you to the extensive literature on how to do better at communicating climate change and climate risks.
Climate Economics explores some of questions surrounding whether economics can help solve a problem due to the existence of an “economic externality.”
50 Years of Climate Effort explores what's happened since scientists first raised the alarm over climate change more than 50 years ago.
Climate Solutions explores the MANY technology-oriented “silver bullet” and “silver buckshot” conversations that are currently underway with respect to tackling climate change. You’ll also have access to in-depth bonus chapters on Natural Climate Solutions and Low Carbon Transition.
Individuals and Climate Change helps you explore the extensive literature surrounding what individuals can do to tackle climate change. You’ll also have access to an in-depth bonus chapter on reducing your carbon footprint.
Societal Responses explores some of the many conversations currently underway about how to tackle climate change, including potential public policies. You’ll also have access to bonus chapters on COP26, Carbon Offsets, and Carbon Pricing.
Climate Chess offers a new way to thinking about tackling climate change that draws on all of the tools at our collective disposal.
Additional PhD Resources helps you make most effective use of the Climate Web going forward, points you to in-depth eCourses and Topical Dashboards you can take advantage of, as well as climate change resources representing thousands of hours of knowledge curation by the Climatographers.
Each of these chapters also provides you with access to extensive supplemental resources you can access in the Climate Web itself.